HOG Chapter Ride - Hunger Ride/ Follow the Leader

Event date: 
Sat, 07/06/2024 - 9:30am to 4:00pm

Come join RC lead Rich K. & Sweep Chris E, on this chapter ride..

Meet at RHD 0930. Pre-ride brief 0945. KSU 1000 hrs.

Arrive with full tank, empty bladder, and food if needed.
Exit RHD left to 565 merging onto 65. Exit 65 at Priceville exit, Rt onto 67 then turning Rt onto Deere Rd.
At stop sign take a Rt onto Upper River RD. Follow UPR to junction with Al 36 E. Lt onto 36 and then Rt onto Apple Grove Rd. Take a Lt onto 67 N, Lt on Hulaco Rd. Lt on Hog Jaw Rd., Rt on Mat Morrow Rd, Rt onto Ruth Rd,. Cross 231at the light which turns into Eddy Scant Rd.  Turn Lt onto Friendship Rd, Rt onto Union Grove Rd., Rt onto Scant City Rd.. Go thru the light at the intersection of SCR and 69 which turns into Brashiers Chapel Rd.. Take a Lt onto Fry Gap Rd., Lt on Warrington Rd., Rt onto 69, Lt onto Sunset Trail to Stop sign at 231. Take a Lt onto 231, Rt onto Cathedral Caverns Hwy, Lt onto Segler Rd., Lt onto Simpson Rd., Rt onto Anderson Rd. and immediate Lt onto Butler Mill Rd., Rt onto New Hope Cedar Point Rd., Lt onto Cherry Tree Rd..
Take a Rt entering the gravel parking lot of the Bethel Spring Nature Preserve.
Eat PB&J, Drink H2O, use the Port-a-Potty, and walk the mile uphill thru the woods in 99 degree temps to see the falls; if desired. I'll guard your bike for you!

Depart Parking Lot turning Rt onto Cherry Tree Rd., Lt onto Old Hwy 431, Lt onto 431, Rt. onto Sunset Trail, Rt onto 69, Rt onto Georgia Mtn Rd., Rt onto 69, Rt onto Union Grove Rd., RT onto 231, Lt onto Union Hill Rd., Lt onto 36, Rt onto 67, Rt onto 65, Merge onto 565, exit Mooresville Rd. To access Rd. to RHD.

Open Event: This event is open to Chapter members, National H.O.G. members and other guests as desired.  All riders and passengers must sign a release. 

Impairment Policy: The consumption and use of alcohol is a serious personal responsibility involving the safety of family, riding friends, and the individual HOG member.  Alcohol consumption before or during a motorcycling activity is not safe, responsible behavior.  Redstone Chapter #4052 requests you “think before you drink” with the above in mind and refrain from consuming any number of impairment drinks that total more than the number of wheels you are on.  Riders whose skills are observed or suspected to be impaired by alcohol or drugs before riding cannot join the ride.

Photography Policy: Photographing, filming, recording and videotaping of activities and events will be occurring Redstone Chapter events. By entering the H.O.G.® event area, you irrevocably grant permission to the Harley-Davidson Motor Company® and its agents to photograph, film, record and/or videotape you and use (and authorize the use of) your name, image, likeness, voice, and/or biographical or other information in any and all media now known or hereinafter developed in perpetuity for any and all purposes.

Event Coordinator: 
Rich K.
Road Captain